The pursuit of availability and security for the infrastructure of a data centre is a great challenge and needs lots of experience for the right implementation. The first step is to find the right location for the data centre, for which a risk assessment must be carried out beforehand. When analysing the risks, many factors must be taken into account.
What exactly is surrounding the data centre and what dangers and risks could influence the availability and security of the planned data centre? How can unavoidable risks be compensated? In general, there are many industry-specific norms and standards that must be taken into account when constructing a data centre. These norms and standards help select the right availability classes and provide specific information and bases for successful implementation. The data centre also requires a sufficient number of carriers and fibreoptic providers, which should already be near the property, for the data exchange. The building in which the data centre is based must be made accessible by the carriers via different routes with redundant and highly available network design. The necessary supply infrastructure for the planned data centre is just as important, depending on the size and predicted power consumption.
Support and advice for:
Data centre designs suitable for application and in accordance with the most important standards, such as DIN EN 50600
Certification topics (BSI, EN 50600, ISO 27001, ISO 9001, ISAE 3402 etc.)
Development of a control system, such as ISAE 3402 etc., as an audit basis for your colocation data centre
Development of an IT asset management system
Introduction of DCIM tools
Development of a supplier pool for data centre infrastructures, strategic and operative purchasing, allocation of facility management services, tradesperson services, and planners and architects in high-availability environments
Listenbachstr. 35
D-91186 Büchenbach
T: +49 (0) 9171/8 95 59-10
F: +49 (0) 9171/8 95 59-20